Mia‘s Mini Notes 1

帖子: 1837
注册时间: 周三 12月 25, 2013 8:24 pm

The CRA website was down and restored reportedly

帖子 Mia2014 » 周一 3月 25, 2019 9:34 pm

CBC news said that the CRA website was down today, and now its news said the website has been restored.

帖子: 1837
注册时间: 周三 12月 25, 2013 8:24 pm

Golden Fish’s Memory vs. Wikipedia

帖子 Mia2014 » 周日 3月 31, 2019 3:12 pm

For at least the 3th time I showed the 《The Good Earth》book to Jeff and told him how great book 📖 it is. Jeff cut me off again and again to ask what title it is and who the author is. At last, I said: “ You have a golden 🐠 ’s memory. It can’t last more that a minute🧐.” Jeff said: “ You told me so many things. It is like a Wikipedia. No one can remember a Wikipedia.” 🤨

帖子: 1837
注册时间: 周三 12月 25, 2013 8:24 pm

Wind Gusts Blew Recycle Bin’s Feet Off Ground

帖子 Mia2014 » 周三 4月 03, 2019 10:51 pm

The recycle bin fell on the ground twice because of the big wind 💨 gusts. I stood it up twice.

For the first time, I picked up all the stuff which was spitted out, even the plastic bottles on the lawn at the other end of the yard, put them back and closed the cover. But it fell again. The wind was very strong. The papers was flying in the air from another home’s recycle bin. The wind was cold too. I stood the recycle bin up and turned it to an angle agaist the wind. Now the wind had slowed down and the bin has been standing there since then.

帖子: 1837
注册时间: 周三 12月 25, 2013 8:24 pm

<The Good Earth>

帖子 Mia2014 » 周五 4月 05, 2019 4:02 pm

"(Wang Lung) lived in the rich city as aliens as a rat in a rich man's house that is fed on scraps thrown away, and hides here and there and is never a part of the real life of the house."
... ...
"Look at this -- What is this I pull?"
And the man shouted back at him,
"A foreigner -- a female from America -- you are rich --"
... ...
"You need not to run yourself to death", and left him with two silver pieces in his palm, which was double the usual fare.

帖子: 1837
注册时间: 周三 12月 25, 2013 8:24 pm

Toronto’s weather

帖子 Mia2014 » 周二 4月 09, 2019 12:30 pm

The spring bamboo shoots have been eaten;
The peach blossoms have been seen;
The autumn pants have been put on;
Today, the down jacket is put on too;
Is it the new year around the corner?
Time has passed too fast.
