IDF:A Message to the Jewish People (以色列国防部:给犹太人民的信息)

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IDF:A Message to the Jewish People (以色列国防部:给犹太人民的信息)

帖子 Mia2014 » 周四 10月 19, 2023 6:57 pm

IDF:A Message to the Jewish People

I would like to speak to the Jewish people, Am Yisrael, here in Israel and around the world. This is a difficult time for us all. Hamas terrorists massacred our people in the most brutal and barbaric way. Israelis were slaughtered in their homes, families were taken hostage and around the world, antisemitism is now surging. This is a dark time for our people. But from the depths of darkness, we are rising up. We are fighting and we will prevail. In this time of hardship something has become clear about the Jewish people: We are one. We are united. We’re in this together. Our hearts may be broken, but the unity of our people is unbreakable. The soldiers of the IDF feel your support, your love, your prayers. We know that we have a strong nation behind us here in Israel and around the world. We are determined to fulfill our mission. We are determined to defeat Hamas. Israel isn’t just a home for Israelis, it’s home for all Jews. It’s home that we fought for a home we’ll keep on fighting for. This is a defining moment for the Jewish people. An important chapter of Jewish history is being written as we speak. The first page of this chapter was tragic. But the rest of this chapter will be written by us. The people of Israel. The Israel Defense Forces. And you. You, the Jewish people. My friends, let me tell you how this chapter ends: Israel is in a war that it did not seek and it did not start. But now that we’re here, we will fight and we will win together. Am Yisrael Chai.


我想对以色列和世界各地的犹太人,以色列人,讲话。 这对我们所有人来说都是一个艰难的时刻。 哈马斯恐怖分子以最残酷和野蛮的方式屠杀我们的人民。 以色列人在家中遭到屠杀,家人被劫为人质,世界各地的反犹太主义正在高涨。 对于我们的人民来说,这是一个黑暗的时刻。 但我们正在从黑暗的深处崛起。 我们正在战斗,我们将取得胜利。 在这个困难时期,犹太人的一些事情变得很清楚:我们是一体的。 我们是团结的。 我们在一起。 我们的心可能会破碎,但我们人民的团结是牢不可破的。 以色列国防军的士兵感受到你们的支持、你们的爱和你们的祈祷。 我们知道,我们有来自一个强大的国家以色列和世界各地的支持。 我们决心完成我们的使命。 我们决心击败哈马斯。 以色列不仅是以色列人的家园,也是所有犹太人的家园。 这是我们为之奋斗的家园,我们将继续为之奋斗。 对于犹太人来说,这是一个决定性的时刻。 就在我们说话的时候,犹太历史的重要篇章正在书写。 本章的第一页是悲剧性的。 但本章的其余部分将由我们来编写。 以色列人民。 以色列国防军。 你们。 你们,犹太人民。 我的朋友们,让我告诉你们这一章是如何结束的:以色列正处于一场它没有寻求、也没有开始的战争中。 但现在我们在这里,我们将共同战斗,共同胜利。 我是以色列人。
