
帖子: 1837
注册时间: 周三 12月 25, 2013 8:24 pm

乌克兰战争最新局势的军事分析 (11)

帖子 Mia2014 » 周三 5月 11, 2022 7:37 pm




16,人道主义影响。乌克兰难民总数超过 808 万人,其中 628 万人在与乌克兰接壤的国家,另外 180多万人在整个欧洲,还有 75 万人在乌克兰境内流离失所(东部有 140多万人,乌克兰南部有 22.8 万人)。

17,5 月 6 日至 7 日,联合国和国际红十字会完成了从亚速斯塔尔地区撤离平民的工作。疏散并非没有事故。俄罗斯军队袭击了撤离车队,并瞄准了协助救援的乌克兰士兵。




21,这些地图是我根据来自各种 OSINT 来源的乌克兰战区最可靠的活动信息创建的。一旦发现错误,将立即纠正。


13/ Info War. Despite intense conjecture of Western analysts, Putin did not use the Victory Day celebrations to escalate the war through calls for a formal declaration of war, national mobilization, or immediate annexation of occupied Ukrainian territory.

14/ Of these much-debated speculative moves only the last, an intent to directly annex occupied Ukrainian territory, may become a possibility soon. Russia is increasing control of occupied territory and may incorporate these into Russia.

15/ Information Advantage. The West has improved its messaging on how it is supporting Ukraine to defeat Russia, & committed to Ukraine’s war aims. This messaging is a signal to would be supporters that it is not in their best interest to back Russia.

16/ Humanitarian Impact. Ukrainian refugees total 8.08+ million with 6.28+ million in countries bordering Ukraine, another 1.8+ throughout Europe, and 7.5+ million internally displaced people throughout Ukraine (1.4+ million in eastern & 228K in southern Ukraine).

17/ From 06-07 May the UN & International Red Cross completed the evacuation of civilians from the Azovstal area. The evacuation was not without incident. Russian forces attacked evacuation convoys and targeted Ukrainian Soldiers aiding the effort.

18/ Overall Assessment. Russian forces are facing a serious strategic dilemma, assume risk in the Kharkiv OD & reinforce efforts in the Donbas for potentially little immediate gain, or conduct a major counterattack toward Kharkiv to protect its operational base.

19/ Either option brings offensive operations in the Donbas to a general halt but losing their operational base would be catastrophic. Russia appears to already be shifting forces away from the Izium Axis toward Kharkiv, more forces will more than likely be diverted north.

20/ The coming days will likely see a Russian counterattack to stabilize the Kharkiv OD and protect access to it operational base in Belgorod. If not, the Kharkiv OD will likely collapse, and with it likely all of Russia’s operational momentum and recent success in the Donbas.

21/ These maps have been created by me based off the most reliable information of activity in the Ukrainian Theater of War from a variety of OSINT sources. Errors will be corrected as soon as they are identified.

22/ Information regarding Ukrainian units are meant to be general, are based on Ukrainian General Staff statements and social media posts, official Ukrainian government press releases, and local news. It does not depict current unit movements. END
