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发表于 : 周四 1月 28, 2021 6:02 pm

President of the European Commission:
Europe invested billions to help develop the world’s first COVID-19 vaccines, to create a truly global common good and now the companies must deliver. They must honour their obligations.
欧洲投入了数十亿美元来帮助开发世界上第一个COVID-19疫苗,以创造真正的全球共同利益,现在公司必须交付。 他们必须履行其义务。

欧盟计划在今年夏天前为70%的成年人免疫接种(by this Summer),现在不仅辉瑞近期要缩减发货量,阿斯利康据说要砍掉70%近期给欧盟的供货量。这周末欧盟可能会批准阿斯利康疫苗。欧盟要求阿斯利康,在欧盟的厂子有问题了,就从英国的厂子发货。


UK Minister for Vaccine Deployment:
I think the thing to do now is not to, you know, go down the sort of the dead end of vaccine nationalism. It’s to work together to make sure that we protect our people that’s my priorities to protect the British people, to protect the United Kingdom but also to protect the whole world because no one is safe until we’re all safe.
我认为现在要做的事情不是要走疫苗民族主义的死胡同。 我们要共同努力,以确保我们保护自己的人民。我的首要任务是保护英国人民、保护英国以及保护整个世界,因为除非我们所有人都安全,没有人会安全。

South Africa’s president: Now rich countries in the world are holding onto these vaccines and we are saying: release the excess vaccines that you have ordered and hoarded.